December 14, 2009

Busy, busy, busy.....

Hello everyone, sorry we’ve not been around for a while but we both got so excited about Christmas coming and our advent calendar and all that lot, we forgot to write. It was only when we overheard Mum telling our Aunty Tundra that we had our own blog that we remembered.
Snowflake said that we should tell everyone we’d had this swine flu thingy but I think it’s naughty to lie, and anyway I don’t know if bears can get swine flu do you?”
“SNOWBALL! YOU BIG TELL-TALE! YOU ARE ROTTEN. THAT’S UNFAIR. I DID NOT SAY THAT.....OK....OK......I did but only because I felt all guilty for not writing. Let’s move on, SHALL WE?”

Mum read this a bit ago about rising sea levels - Major cities at risk from rising sea level threat - Times Online

It is a bit complicated for us to read and it’s full of big words but basically what it means is this – there are some places that aren’t very high up and if the sea gets any higher then those not very high up places will be flooded. One place that isn’t very high up at all is a place called The Maldives, which is actually where there are lots and lots of really pretty little islands – here’s a photo of one of them.

REALLY pretty isn’t it? Well, if the sea rises much more then all the Maldives will be gone and Mum says there won’t be anywhere for you humans to go on your honeymoon. We don’t know what a honeymoon is but we guess it’s when you go and eat lots of honey somewhere and look at the moon, which sounds like a dead nice thing to do.

So, if you folk want to continue eating your honey and staring at the moon then you should start going a bit greener NOW.

Right, we’re off to wrap a few more presents and open today’s window on our advent calendar. Here is an online advent calendar for you to open yourself – ONLINE ADVENT CALENDAR