We’ve had a great day today playing in the snow, but mum says that some of our relatives in a place called Alaska are running out of ice and snow because of all this global warming business.
The ice is melting when it shouldn’t melt and some of our relatives are having to eat human food in order to survive. Mum says they have to raid litter bins, go on rubbish dumps, like the one below, and eat leftovers from places where humans eat.
Mum says these human food places are called ‘fast food’ places, and that the food is sometimes horrid.
We don’t know what she means by fast food. Perhaps it’s food that can run really fast? Cheetahs can run really fast and some dogs can run really fast, but they’re not food. Not for us anyway. Mum says that there are ‘fast food’ places called Muck Donalds, Ken Yucky Fried Chicken and Bogey King. We reckon you humans go there and then have to chase your fast food around all day before you catch it. We bet you’re dead hungry by the time you eat it, with all that running around and stuff.
The trouble is, mum says that some humans eat this fast food and then throw all their litter all over instead of putting it in bins or recycling it.
Dumping litter is HORRIBLE. It looks ugly and it can kill animals and it pollutes our planet. Some things like plastic carrier bags and plastic pop bottles can last a long, long time – hundreds and hundreds of years and they can kill animals because animals sometimes eat them or get trapped in them, read about plastic bags here - Deadly plastic bags
Don’t litter! Never! Don’t let your mums and dads litter, and don’t let them use any more of them killer plastic bags and tell them always to re-cycle those plastic pop bottles and not to dump them in the countryside like some nasty people do. They should put rubbish in a litter bin where it belongs, recycle things whenever possible and use those nice re-useable cotton bags for their shopping. Remember, its YOUR planet so don’t let them kill it.
Here’s a clip about the ice melting – its funny to watch, but sad too. The ice has always melted in these parts, that’s what happens, but it’s melting at times when it shouldn’t melt, and in some parts its not coming back – and we polar bears need ice to survive.